A female captive may eat of Terumah. This is the opinion of R. Dosa b. Harkinas. But the Sages say: there is a female captive who may eat, and there is a female captive who may not eat. How is this? The woman who said: I was made a captive but [none the less] I am pure, she may eat; because the evidence which made it unlawful is the same evidence which made it lawful. But if there are witnesses [who declare] that she was made a captive, and she says: [none the less] I am pure, she may not eat. |
עדייות 3.6 |
Four cases of doubt R. Joshua pronounces unclean, and the Sages pronounce them clean. How is this? If the unclean person stands and the clean person passes by him, or if the clean person stands and the unclean person passes by him; or if impurity is in private premises and something clean is in public premises, or if something clean is in private premises and impurity is in public premises; if it is doubtful whether one touched or did not touch the other, or if it is doubtful whether one stood over or did not stand over the other, or if it is doubtful whether one moved or did not move the other, R. Joshua pronounces such a case unclean, and the Sages pronounce it clean |
עדייות 3.7 |
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