R. Eleazar b. Azariah allows three things and the Sages forbid them: his cow used to go out with the strap which she had between her horns; one may curry cattle on a festival; and one may grind pepper in its own mill. R. Judah says: one may not curry cattle on a festival, because it may cause a wound, but one may comb them. But the Sages say: one may not curry them, neither may one comb them. |
עדייות 3.12 |
The following cases are [examples] of the lenient rulings of Beth Shammai and of the rigorous rulings of Beth Hillel. An egg which is laid on a Festival Beth Shammai say: it may be eaten, and Beth Hillel say: it may not be eaten. Beth Shammai say: leaven as much as an olive [in quantity], and leavened food as much as a date. And Beth Hillel say: as much as an olive [in quantity] in both cases. |
עדייות 4.1 |
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