R. Hanina, chief of the priests, said: all my days I never saw a hide taken out to the place of burning. R. Akiba said: from his words we infer that whoso flays the hide of the Firstborn beast and it is found to be Trefa, the priests may enjoy the use of the hide. But the Sages say: we saw not` is no proof, but [such a hide] must be taken out to the place of burning. |
עדייות 2.2 |
Also he testified concerning a small village in the vicinity of Jerusalem in which there was an old man who used to lend to all the people of the village and write out [the bond] in his own handwriting and others signed it, that when the fact was brought before the Sages they pronounced it legal. Hence, incidentally, you may infer that the wife may write her own bill of divorcement, and the husband may write his own quittance; for the legality of a document depends only on those who sign it. And [He testified] concerning a needle which was found in flesh, that the knife and the hands [which had been employed on the flesh] are clean, but the flesh itself is defiled; and if it was found in the excrement, all are clean. |
עדייות 2.3 |
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