Whoso changes a sela from Second Tithe in Jerusalem, Beth Shammai say: copper coin for the whole sela. And Beth Hillel say: silver for one shekel and copper coin for one shekel. The disputants before the Sages say: silver for three denars and copper coin for one denar. R. Akiba says: silver for three denarii and for the Fourth silver and for the Fourth [thereof] copper coin. R. Tarfon says: four as pers in silver. Shammai says: He must leave t in a shop and eat on the credit thereof. |
עדייות 1.10 |
A bride`s stool from which the covering-boards have been taken, Beth Shammai pronounce [liable to become] unclean, and Beth Hillel pronounce it not [liable to become] unclean. Shammai says: even the framework of a stool [by itself is [liable to become] unclean. A stool which has been set in a baker`s trough, Beth Shammai pronounce [liable to become] unclean, and Beth Hillel pronounce it not [liable to become] unclean. Shammai says: even one made therein [is liable to become unclean]. |
עדייות 1.11 |
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