Demai 3:6: One who gives his [tithed produce] to his mother-in-law, must tithe from what he gives to her and from what he receives [back] from her because she is suspected of exchanging what is spoiled. Said Rabbi Yehudah, "She desires the well-being of her daughter and is ashamed before her son-in-law." Rabbi Yehudah acknowledges in [the instance of] giving Sabbatical produce to his mother-in-law, that she is not suspected [of exchanging] to feed her daughter Sabbatical year produce. |
הנותן לחמותו מעשר את שהוא נותן לה ואת שהוא נוטל ממנה מפני שהיא חשודה לחלוף את המתקלקל. אמר רבי יהודה רוצה היא בתקנת בתה ובושה מחתנה. מודה רבי יהודה בנותן לחמותו שביעית שאינה חשודה להחליף להאכיל את בתה שביעית: |
Demai 4:1: One who buys produce from one who is not trustworthy concerning tithing and forgot to tithe it; and asks him [the vendor] on Shabbat, may eat it by his [the vendor's] word. At nightfall at the conclusion of Shabbat, he may not eat until he has tithed [the produce]. If he did not find him [the vendor on Shabbat], [and] another individual who is not trustworthy concerning tithing says to him, "They are tithed," he can eat by his word. At nightfall at the conclusion of Sabbath, he may not eat until he has tithed. [In terms of the] Terumat Ma'aser [a portion of the tithes that is given to the priest] of Demai [produce from which it is uncertain if tithes were already taken] that returned to its place [was mixed back into the produce from which it was taken], Rabbi Shimon Shezuri says, "Even on a weekday, he asks him and eats by his [the vendor's] word." |
הלוקח פירות ממי שאינו נאמן על המעשרות ושכח לעשרן ושואלו בשבת יאכל על פיו. חשכה מוצאי שבת לא יאכל עד שיעשר. לא מצאו אמר לו אחד שאינו נאמן על המעשרות מעושרין הן אוכל על פיו. חשכה מוצאי שבת לא יאכל עד שיעשר. תרומת מעשר של דמאי שחזרה למקומה רבי שמעון שזורי אומר אף בחול שואלו ואוכלו על פיו. |
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