מסכת חולין פרק ב משנה ג | |
התיז את הראש | If his severs the head |
בבת אחת | instantaneously (using an improper chopping motion, rather than the correct slicing motion) |
פסולה | it is invalid. |
היה שוחט | If he was slaughtering (using a slicing motion) |
והתיז את הראש | and severed the head |
בבת אחת | instantaneously (with a single stroke of the knife, either thrusting forwards or drawing backwards) |
אם יש בסכין מלוא צואר |
if there is in the [length of the] knife [when held to the animal's throat] the width of a neck [extending beyond the neck of the animal; i.e. the blade is at least as long as the width of two necks] |
כשרה | it is valid. |
היה שוחט | If he was slaughtering (using the correct slicing motion) |
והתיז שני ראשים בבת אחת |
and he severed two heads instantaneously (with a single stroke) |
אם יש בסכין מלוא צואר אחד | if there is in the [length of the] knife [when held to the two animals' throats] the width of a single neck [extending beyond the neck of the animal; i.e. this blade is at least as long as the width of three necks] |
כשרה | it is valid. |
במה דברים אמורים | By what are we speaking? |
בזמן שהוליך ולא הביא | When he thrust but did not draw, |
או הביא ולא הוליך | or he drew but did not thrust; |
אבל אם הוליך והביא | but if he thrust and drew, |
אפילו כל שהוא | even the smallest amount, |
אפילו באזמל | even with a scalpel, |
כשרה | it is valid. |
נפלה סכין ושחטה | If the knife fell and slaughtered |
אף על פי ששחטה כדרכה | even if it slaughtered in the normal manner |
פסולה | it is invalid, |
שנאמר (דברים יב:כא)י | as it says |
וזבחת . . . ואכלת | "and you shall slaughter . . . and you shall eat," |
מה שאתה זובח | that which you slaughter |
אתה אוכל | you many eat. |
נפלה הסכין והגביהה | If the knife fell and he [paused in the middle of the act of slaughtering to] raise it, |
נפלו כליו והגביהן | if his clothes fell and he [paused in the middle of the act of slaughtering to] raise them, |
השחיז את הסכין ועף | if he sharpened the knife and became fatigues [in the middle of the act of slaughtering], |
ובא חברו ושחט | and his colleague came and slaughtered, |
אם שהה כדי שחיטה | if he paused long enough to slaughter |
פסולה | it is invalid. |
רבי שמעון אומר |
Rabbi Shimon says |
אם שהה כדי ביקור | if he paused long enough to check [his knife]. |
משנה ד |
שחט את הושט | If he sliced the esophagus |
ופסק את הגרגרת | and severed (by improper means) the trachea, |
או שחט את הגרגרת | or sliced the trachea |
ופסק את הושט | and severed (by improper means) the esophagus, |
או ששחט את אחד מהן | or sliced one of them |
והמתין לה עד שמתה | and waited until it (the animal) died, |
או שהחליד את הסכין | or he inserted the knife |
תחת השני ופסקו | under the second and severed it (even if using an otherwise acceptable slicing motion), |
רבי ישבב אומר נבילה | Rabbi Yesheivav says it is a neveilah [whose carcass imparts tumas neveilah]. |
רבי עקיבה אומר טריפה | Rabbi Akiva says it is a treifah. |
כלל אמר רבי ישבב משום רבי יהושוע | A rule was stated by Rabbi Yesheivav in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua: |
כל שנפסלה בשחיטתה | All that is invalidated by its slaughtering |
נבילה | is a neveilah, |
כל ששחיטתה כראוי | all that was slaughtered properly |
ודבר אחר גרם לה לפסל | and something else caused it to be invalid |
טריפה | is a treifah, |
והודה לו רבי עקיבה | and Rabbi Akiva conceded to him. |