מסכת חולין פרק א משנה ו | |
כשר בפרה | What is [a] valid [method for slaughtering] the cow (a para aduma, which was slaughtered in the usual manner) |
פסול בעגלה | is invalid for the heifer (an eglah arufa which was decapitated, rather than having it's throat slit in the usual manner); |
כשר בעגלה | what is valid for the heifer |
פסול בפרה | is invalid for the cow. |
כשר בכהנים | What is acceptable by kohanim (i.e. that they remain fit for duty no matter how old they get) |
פסול בלוים |
is not acceptable by leviim (who did face mandatory retirement at age 50, or after mishkan was permanently established at Shiloh, once their voice became weak); |
כשר בלוים |
what is acceptable by leviim (a physical blemish) |
פסול בכהנים |
is not acceptable by kohanim. |
טהור בכלי חרס |
What is tahor by earthenware utensils (e.g. contact by a sheretz to the exterior of such a vessel does not render it tamei) |
טמא בכל הכלים |
is tamei by all [other] utensils; |
טהור בכל הכלים |
what is tahor by [all] other utensils (e.g. a sheretz that is suspended into the airspace of the vessel without contacting its walls does not render it tamei) |
טמא בכלי חרס |
is tamei by earthenware utensils. |
טהור בכלי עץ |
What is tahor by wooden utensils (e.g. contact by a sheretz to the exterior of a flat wooden utensil does not render it tamei) |
טמא בכלי מתכות |
is tamei by metal utensils; |
טהור בכלי מתכות |
what is tahor by metal utensils (e.g. an item of tumah that touches a usable but unfinished metal utensil does not render it tamei) |
טמא בכלי עץ |
is tamei by wooden utensils. |
החיב בשקדים המרים |
What is obligated [to be tithed] in bitter almonds (when they are small and not yet bitter, they are regularly eaten and therefore subject to terumah and maaser) |
פטור במתוקים |
is exempt by sweet ones (which are not normally eaten when small, but only upon ripening); |
החיב במתוקים |
what is obligated by sweet ones (fully ripened sweet almonds are normally eaten, and so are subject to terumah and maaser) |
פטור במרים |
is exempt by bitter ones (which are not normally eaten when fully ripened). |
משנה ז |
התמד |
Lora (a bitter wine made from soaking grape skin husks, seeds and any other product left over from the pressing process in water, which was then fermented; also known as vinum operarium), |
עד שלא החמיץ |
as long as it has not fermented (it is considered water, thus:) |
אינו נקח בכסף מעשר |
it may not be purchased with maaser money |
ופוסל את המקוה |
and will invalidate a mikveh. |
משהחמיץ |
Once it has fermented |
נקח בכסף מעשר |
it may be purchased with maaser money |
ואינו פוסל את המקוה |
and does not invalidate a mikveh. |
האחין והשתפין |
Brothers who are partners |
כשחיבין בקלבון |
when they are obligated in kolbon (a surcharge on the machtsis hashekel that was levied when a one-shekel payment was made on behalf of two people; this would be the case if the brothers paid one shekel for the two of them from their shared funds in a regular partnership) |
פטורין ממעשר בהמה |
they are exempt from maaser behema (from which jointly owned livestock is exempt); |
כשחיבין במעשר בהמה |
when they are obligated in maaser behema (when the partnership is actually their shares in an undivided decedent's estate, the estate's livestock is viewed as owned by a single person, the decedent, and therefore is subject to maaser behema), |
פטורין מן הקלבון |
they are exempt from kolbon (if a single shekel is paid for two sons from their father's undivided estate, it is as if a father had paid each of his sons' machtsis hashekel, which is exempt from kolbon). |
כל מקום שיש מכר |
Wherever there is a [father's right of] sale (i.e. the right to sell his minor daughter as a maidservant; which ends when she becomes a naarah), |
אין קנס |
there is no penalty [for the seduction or violation of his daughter, which is only by a naarah]; |
וכל מקום שיש קנס |
and wherever there is a penalty, |
אין מכר |
there is no [right of] sale. |
כל מקום שיש מאון |
Wherever there is a [minor's right of] refusal [of a marriage she was entered into by her mother or brother] |
אין חליצה |
there is no chalitzah (as the girl is still a minor, and cannot perform chalitzah), |
וכל מקום שיש חליצה |
and wherever there is chalitzah |
אין מאון |
there cannot be refusal (as the girl can no longer be a minor). |
כל מקום שיש תקיעה |
Wherever the shofar is sounded (to signal the onset of Shabbos, which was done even if Friday was yom tov), |
אין הבדלה |
there is no havdalah [recited for the departure of yom tov]; |
וכל מקום שיש הבדלה |
and wherever there is havdalah (such as when the end of Shabbos coincided with the onset of yom tov), |
אין תקיעה |
the shofar is not sounded. |
יום טוב |
Yom tov |
שחל להיות ערב שבת |
that fell on Friday |
תוקעין ולא מבדילין |
they would sound the shofar and would not make havdalah, |
במוצאי שבת |
at the departure of Shabbos [that coincided with the onset of Yom Tov] |
מבדילין ולא תוקעין |
they would make havdalah and would not sound the shofar. |
כיצד מבדילין |
How would they make havdalah? |
המבדיל בין קדש לקדש |
"Who distinguishes between holy and holy." |
רבי דוסא אומר |
Rabbi Dosa says: |
בין קדש חמור לקדש הקל |
"Between stricter holiness and lighter holiness." |