Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

[If] she consecrated her dough before rolling it, and redeemed it, she is bound [to separate Hallah]; [if she consecrated it] after rolling it, and redeemed it, she is [likewise] bound; [but if] she consecrated it before rolling it, and the gizbar rolled it, and after that she redeemed it, she is exempt, since at the time of her obligation it was exempt. מ חלה 3.3
הקדישה עיסתה עד שלא גילגלה, ופדיתה-- חייבת; ומשגילגלה, ופדיתה-- חייבת  הקדישה עד שלא גילגלה, וגילגלה הגזבר, ואחר כך פדיתה-- פטורה, שבשעת חובתה הייתה פטורה
Similar thereto [is the following]: [if] one consecrated his produce before it reached the stage [when it becomes liable] for tithes, and redeemed it, it is subject [to tithes]; [if one consecrated it] after it had reached the stage for tithes, and redeemed it, it is [likewise] subject; [but if] one consecrated it before it was `completed`, and the gizbar `completed` it, and afterwards [the owner] redeemed it, it is exempt, since at the time of its obligation it was exempt.  מ חלה 3.4
כיוצא בו, המקדיש פירותיו עד שלא באו לעונת המעשרות, ופדין-- חייבין; ומשבאו לעונת המעשרות, ופדין-- חייבין הקדישן עד שלא נגמרו, וגמרן הגזבר, ואחר כך פדין-- פטורין, שבשעת חובתן היו פטורין

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