Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

If one has eaten on the Passover an olive-size of Unleavened Bread [made] of these [cereals], he has fulfilled his obligation; [if one has eaten on the Passover] an olive-size of leaven [made of these cereals], he has incurred the penalty of Kareth. If one of these [cereals, having become leavened,] has become mixed with any other species, one transgresses the [laws of] Passover. If one has vowed [to abstain] from [consuming] bread and tebu`ah [(cereal) produce]. He is prohibited from consuming these [five species]; this is the opinion of R. Meir. The Sages say: if one has vowed [to abstain] from [consuming] dagan [corn], he is prohibited from [consuming] these [species] only. They are subject to Hallah and tithes. מ חלה 1.2
האוכל מהן כזית מצה בפסח, יצא ידי חובתו; כזית חמץ, חייב בהיכרת  נתערב אחד מהן בכל המינין, הרי זה עובר בפסח  הנודר מן הפת, ומן התבואה-- אסור בהן, דברי רבי מאיר; וחכמים אומרים, הנודר מן הדגן, אינו אסור אלא מהן  וחייבין בחלה ובמעשרות
The following are subject to Hallah, but exempt from tithes: leket, shikehah, Peah, and produce, ownership of which has been waived, and the First Tithe of which Terumah [the priest`s portion] had been taken off, and the Second Tithe, and consecrated [ produce] which have been redeemed, and that which remains over from the Omer, and grain which has not grown one-third [ripe]. R. Eliezer said: grain which has not grown one-third [ripe] is exempt [also] from Hallah.  מ חלה 1.3
אלו חייבין בחלה, ופטורין מן המעשרות-- הלקט, והשכחה, והפיאה, וההפקר, ומעשר ראשון שניטלה תרומתו, ומעשר שני והקדש שנפדו, ומותר העומר, והתבואה שלא הביאה שליש  רבי אלעזר אומר, אף התבואה שלא הביאה שליש, פטורה מן החלה

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