Greater stringency applies to hallowed things than to Terumah: for vessels within vessels may be immersed [together] for Terumah, but not for hallowed things. The outside and inside and handle [of a vessel are regarded as separate] for Terumah, but not for hallowed things. He that carries anything possessing Midras-uncleanness may carry [at the same time] Terumah, but not hallowed things. The garments of those who eat Terumah posses Midras-uncleanness for [those who eat] hallowed things. The rule [for the Immersion of garments] for [those who would eat of] Terumah is not like the rule for [those who would eat of] hallowed things: for in the case of hallowed things, he must [first] untie [any knots in the unclean garment], dry it [if it is wet, then] immerse it, and afterwards retie it; but in case of Terumah, it may [first] be tied and afterwards immersed. |
חגיגה 3.1 חומר בקודש מבתרומה׃ שמטבילין כלים לתוך כלים לתרומה, אבל לא לקודש׃ אחוריים ותוך ובית הצביעה לתרומה, אבל לא לקודש׃ הנושא את המדרס-- הוא נושא את התרומה, אבל לא הקודש׃ בגדי אוכלי תרומה, מדרס לקודש׃ לא כמידת הקודש מידת התרומה-- שבקודש מתיר ומנגב ומטביל, ואחר כך קושר; ובתרומה, קושר ואחר כך מטביל |
Vessels that have been finished in purity require Immersion [before they are used] for hallowed things, but not [before they are used] for Terumah. A vessel unites all its contents [for defilement] in the case of hallowed things, but not in the case of Terumah. Hallowed things become invalid [by uncleanness] at the Fourth remove, but Terumah [only by uncleanness] at the third remove. In the case of Terumah, if one hand of a man became unclean, the other remains clean, but in the case of hallowed things, he must immerse both [hands], because the one hand defiles the other for hallowed things but not for Terumah. Vessels that have been finished in purity require Immersion [before they are used] for hallowed things, but not [before they are used] for Terumah. A vessel unites all its contents [for defilement] in the case of hallowed things, but not in the case of Terumah. Hallowed things become invalid [by uncleanness] at the Fourth remove, but Terumah [only by uncleanness] at the third remove. In the case of Terumah, if one hand of a man became unclean, the other remains clean, but in the case of hallowed things, he must immerse both [hands], because the one hand defiles the other for hallowed things but not for Terumah. |
חגיגה 3.2 כלים הנגמרין בטהרה-- צריכין טבילה לקודש, אבל לא לתרומה׃ הכלי מצרף מה שבתוכו לקודש, אבל לא לתרומה׃ הרביעי בקודש פסול, והשלישי בתרומה׃ ובתרומה-- אם נטמאת אחת מידיו, חברתה טהורה; ובקודש-- מטביל את שתיהן, שהיד מטמא את חברתה בקודש, אבל לא בתרומה |
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