If one bathed for [second] tithe, and intended to be rendered fit solely for [second] tithe, one is prohibited from [partaking of] Terumah. If one bathed for Terumah, and intended to be rendered fit solely for Terumah, one is prohibited from [partaking of] hallowed things. If one bathed for hallowed things, and intended to be rendered fit solely for hallowed things one is prohibited from [touching the waters of] purification. If one bathed for something possessing a stricter [degree of sanctity], one is permitted [to have contact with] something possessing a lighter [degree of sanctity]. If one bathed but without special intention, it is as though one had not bathed. |
חגיגה 2.6 טבל לחולין-- הוחזק לחולין, ואסור למעשר; טבל למעשר-- הוחזק למעשר, ואסור לתרומה; טבל לתרומה-- הוחזק לתרומה, ואסור לקודש׃ טבל לקודש-- הוחזק לקודש, ואסור לחטאת׃ טבל לחמור, מותר לקל; טבל ולא הוחזק, כאילו לא טבל |
The garments of an Am-ha-aretz possess Midras -uncleanness for Pharisees; the garments of Pharisees possess Midras-uncleanness for those who eat Terumah; the garments of those who eat Terumah possess Midras-uncleanness for [those who eat] hallowed things; the garments of [those who eat] hallowed things possess Midras uncleanness for [those who occupy themselves with the waters of] purification. Jose b. Jo`ezer was the most Pious in the priesthood, yet his apron was [considered to possess] Midras-uncleanness for [those who ate] hallowed things. Johanan b. Gudgada used all his life to eat [unconsecrated food] in accordance with the purity required for hallowed things, yet his apron was [considered to possess] Midras-uncleanness for [those who occupied themselves with the water of] purification. |
חגיגה 2.7 בגדי עם הארץ מדרס לפרושים, בגדי פרושים מדרס לאוכלי תרומה, בגדי אוכלי תרומה מדרס לקודש׃ יוסף בן יועזר היה חסיד שבכהונה, והייתה מטפחתו מדרס לקודש; יוחנן בן גודגדה היה אוכל בטהרת הקודש כל ימיו, והייתה מטפחתו מדרס לחטאת |
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