One who injures a fellow man becomes liable to him for Five Items: for
depreciation, for pain, for healing, for loss of time and for
degradation. How is it with `depreciation`? If he put out his eye, cut
off his arm or broke his leg, the injured person is considered as if he
were a slave being sold in the market place, and a valuation is made as
to how much he was worth [previously] and how much he is worth [now].
`pain` if he burnt him either with a spit or with a nail, even though on
his [finger] nail which is a place where no bruise could be made, it has
to be calculated how much a man of equal standing would require to be
paid to undergo such pain. `healing` if he has struck him, he is under
obligation to pay medical expenses. Should ulcers [meanwhile] arise on
his body, if as a result of the wound, the offender would be liable, but
if not as a result of the wound, he would be exempt. Where the wound was
healed but reopened, healed again but reopened, he would still be under
obligation to heal him. If, however, it had completely healed [but had
subsequently reopened] He would no more be under obligation to heal him.
`loss of time` the injured person is considered as if he were a watchman
of cucumber beds [so that the loss of such wages sustained by him during
the period of illness may be reimbursed to him] for there has already
been paid to him the value of his hand or the value of his leg [through
which deprivation he would no more be able to carry on his previous
employment]. `degradation` all to be estimated in accordance with the
status of the offender and the offended. One who insults a naked person, or one who insults a blind person, or one who insults a person asleep is liable [for degradation], though if a person asleep insulted [others] He would be exempt. If one in falling from a roof did damage and also caused [somebody] to be degraded, he would be liable for depreciation but exempt from [paying for] degradation unless he intended [to inflict it]. |
קמא 8.1 החובל בחברו, חייב עליו משום חמישה דברים-- בנזק, בצער, בריפוי, בשבת, ובבושת׃ בנזק כיצד׃ סימא את עינו, קטע את ידו, שיבר את רגלו-- רואין אותו כאילו הוא עבד נמכר, כמה היה יפה וכמה הוא יפה׃ בצער׃ כוויו בשפוד או במסמר, אפילו על ציפורנו, מקום שאינו עושה חבורה-- אומרים כמה אדם כיוצא בזה רוצה ליטול, להיות מצטער כך׃ ריפוי׃ הכהו, חייב לרפאותו׃ עלו בו צמחין-- אם מחמת המכה, חייב; ושלא מחמת המכה, פטור׃ חייתה ונסתרה, חייתה ונסתרה-- חייב לרפאותו; חייתה כל צורכה, אינו חייב לרפאותו׃ שבת׃ רואין אותו כאילו הוא שומר קישואין, שכבר נתנו לו דמי ידו ודמי רגלו׃ בושת׃ הכול לפי המבייש, והמתבייש׃ המבייש את הערום, המבייש את הסומא, והמבייש את הישן-- חייב; וישן שבייש, פטור׃ נפל מן הגג, והזיק ובייש-- חייב על הנזק ופטור על הבושת׃ שנאמר ''ושלחה ידה, והחזיקה במבושיו'' (דברים כה,יא) -- אינו חייב על הבושת, עד שיהא מתכוון |
On this [point] the Law for man is more severe than the Law for cattle, viz., that man has to pay for depreciation, pain, healing, loss of time and degradation; and he pays also for the value of embryos, whereas in the case of cattle there is no payment for anything but depreciation, and there is exemption from [paying] the value of embryos. |
קמא 8.2 זה חומר באדם מבשור, וחומר שוב באדם מבשור-- שהאדם משלם את הנזק, ומשלם דמי ולדות; ושור אינו משלם אלא הנזק, ופטור מדמי ולדות |
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