If one man was coming along with a barrel of wine and another with a jug of honey, and the barrel of honey happened to crack, and the other one poured out his wine and rescued the honey into his [empty] barrel, he would be able to claim no more than the value of his services; but if he said [at the outset], `I am going to rescue your honey and I expect to be paid the value of my wine,` the other has to pay him [accordingly] so also if a river swept away his ass and another man`s ass, his ass being only worth a maneh and his fellow`s ass two hundred zuz, and he left his own ass [to its fate], and rescued the other man`s ass, he would be able to claim no more than the value of his services; but if he said to him [at the outset], `I am going to rescue your ass and I expect to be paid at least the value of my ass,` the other would have to pay him [accordingly]. |
קמא 10.4 זה בא בחביתו של יין, וזה בא בכדו של דבש-- נסדקה כדו של דבש, ושפך זה את יינו והציל את הדבש לתוכה-- אין לו אלא שכרו; אמר לו, אציל את שלך ואתה נותן לי דמי שלי-- חייב ליתן לו׃ שטף הנהר חמורו וחמור חברו, שלו יפה מנה ושל חברו יפה מאתיים-- הניח את שלו, והציל את של חברו-- אין לו אלא שכרו; אם אמר לו, אציל את שלך ואתה נותן לי דמי שלי-- חייב ליתן לו |
If a man robbed another of a field and banditti [massikin] confiscated
it, if this blow befell the whole province he may say to him, `here is
thine before thee`; but if it was caused through the robber himself he
would have to provide him with another field. If a river flooded [a misappropriated field, the robber] is entitled to say to the other party, `here is yours before you`. |
קמא 10.5 הגוזל שדה מחברו, ונטלוה מציקין-- אם מכת מדינה היא, אומר לו, הרי שלך לפניך; ואם מחמת הגזלן, חייב להעמיד לו שדה׃ שטפה נהר-- אומר לו, הרי שלך לפניך |
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