Audio by Shimi Berger

שוה לנשים כיצד It [a hermaphrodite] is like women how?
מיטמא באודם כנשים It becomes tamei with a red [emission] like women
ואינו מתייחד and may not be secluded
עם האנשים כנשים with men, like women
ואינו זוקק ליבום and it does not subject his sister-in-law to yibum
כנשים like women
ואינו חולק עם הבנים and it does not receive a portion [of a decedent's large estate] with sons
ואינו חולק and it does not receive
בקדשי המקדש in kadshim of the Temple
כנשים like women
ופסול and it is disqualified
לכל עדות שבתורה to give all testimony that is in the Torah
כנשים like women
ואינו נבעל בעבירה and one cannot have illicit relations with it
כנשים like [is the case by] women
ופסול מן הכהונה and it becomes disqualified from [the privileges of a bas kohen]
כנשים like women [who have had illicit relations].

The נוסחת הגר"א and נוסחת רמ"ע מפאנו combine these last two clauses into one former reading "ואם נבעל בעבירה נפסל מן התרומה כנשים" and the latter having  "ואם נבעל בעבירה נפסל מן הכהונה כנשים"



שוה לאנשים ולנשים It is like men an women
כיצד how?
חייב על נזקו one is liable for injuring one
כאיש ואשה like [one would be for] a man or a woman
וחייב בכל הניזיקין and it is liable for causing all injuries
כאיש ואשה like a man or a woman
וההרגו במזיד and one who kills [a hermaphrodite] intentionally
  נהרג is put to death
בשוגג [and one who kills a hermaphrodite] unintentionally
גולה לערי מקלט is exiled to the cities of refuge
ואמו יושבת עליו and its mother waits because of him [after his birth]
דם טהור blood of tahara
כאנשים וכנשים like for men and women

נוסחת רמ"ע מפאנו והגר"א׃

ומביאה עליו קרבן כאנשים וכנשים

ונוחל and receives 
נוסחת הגר"א: ואוכל  (nusach haGra: and may eat)
בקדשי הגבול of the kadshim of the borders [e.g. terumah]
כאנשים וכנשים like men and women
והאומר הריני נזיר and one who says "I am a nazir
שזה איש ואשה [on the condition] that this is one is a man and [if one were to make such a vow on the condition that he is] a woman"
הרי זה נזיר he is thereby a nazir



ואינו זוקק ליבום - Although a ספק איש, in this regard a hermaphrodite is similar to a eunuch as he is assumed to be unable to have children, and such a man, even if he is the sole surviving brother of a man who dies childless, does not obligate his sister to perform yibum or chalitza.  The ר"ש משאנץ explains that this מימרה uses כנשים to explain this דין as she is similar to a woman, who does not subject her sister-in-law to yibum and chalitzaואינו חולק עם הבנים - in contrast to the דין of the previous מימרה, where the decedent's left sufficient assets to both support daughters and bequeath an inheritance to sons, the hermaphrodite cannot collect a share of the inheritance as a son would.  However, the תפארת ישראל says, in such a case he collects the support that a daughter would get, as the minimal amount he must be entitled to whatever he is.  ואינו חולק בקדשי המקדש - This is not to say that a hermaphrodite may not eat of this if the daughter of a kohen, only that it cannot claim a share as a man would.  The addition of ואינו מאכל בתרומה given in the  נוסחת רמ"ע מפאנו is said by the תפארת ישראל to refer to a woman who is married to a hermaphrodite that is a kohen; as the marriage is one of ספק, she cannot eat terumah from her 'husband'.


דם טהור - For a son, a woman who sees blood from the eighth through the fortieth day after birth is considered טהור, while for a daughter that is from the ffiteenth through the eightieth day after birth.  As such for a hermaphrodite, as a ספק, we adopt the more stringent limitations of both, and go from the fifteenth day to the fortieth.   


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