Audio by Shimi Berger

פרק ב משנה ד
ויש בביכורים

And there are [elements] of bikurim

מה שאין כן בתרומה ובמעשר

that are not [elements] of teruma and maaser

שהביכורים נקנין

that bikurim are acquired [that is they get their status]

במחובר לקרקע

while attached to the ground

ועושה אדם

and a man can make

כל שדהו ביכורים

his entire field bikurim

וחייב באחריותן

and one must assume responsibility for them

וטעונין קרבן

and they require a korban


and a song


and waving


and staying the night


פרק ב משנה ה

תרומת מעשר

Terumas maaser

שוה לבכורים

is equivalent to bikurim

בשתי דרכים

in two ways

ולתרומה בשתי דרכים

and [is equivalent] to teruma in two ways

נטלת מן הטהור

it is taken from the tahor

על הטמא

on the tamei

ושלא מן המקף

and need not be from nearby [plants]


as with bikurim

ואוסרת את הגורן

and [until it is separated] it forbids the [produce that has reached] the threshing floor

ויש לה שיעור

and it has a [minimum] amount


as with teruma



משנה ד

וטעונין קרבן - Bikurim are to be brought with a קרבן שלמים as explained later.  ושיר - The leviim would sing when bikurim arrived, as detailed later.  ותנופה - The As part of the ceremony when bikurim are brought, the kohen and its owner would lift the bikurim and wave them, as detailed later.  ולינה - The owner was not to leave Jerusalem until at least the morning after bring bikurim.

משנה ה

נטלת מן הטהור על הטמא - Bikurim and terumas maaser can be taken from produce that is tahor to exempt produce that is tamei.  gain their status once picked, even before any processing.  שלא מן המקף - Teruma must be separated from produce that is close to the rest of the produce that it is releasing from the obligation; the רע"ב points out that this is the reason that tahor cannot be taken for tamei by teruma, as due to their proximity there is a likelihood that it came into contact with the tamei.


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