פרק א משנה ה | |
רבי אליעזר בן יעקב אומר |
Rebbi Eliezer ben Yaakov says: |
אשה בת גרים | A woman who is the daughter of converts |
לא תנשא לכהונה | should not marry into the kehuna |
עד שתהא אמה מישראל | until her mother is of Jewish decent |
אחד גרים | Both converts |
ואחד עבדים משוחררים | and freed slaves |
אפילו עד עשרה דורות | even up to ten generations |
עד שתהא אימן מישראל | until their mothers are of Jewish decent [may not marry into the Kehuna] |
האפוטרופוס והשליח | The guardian of an orphaned minor and an agent |
והעבד והאשה | and a slave and a woman |
וטומטום ואנדרוגינוס | and a person of indeterminate gender and a hermaphrodite |
מביאין ולא קורין | bring [bikurim] and do not recite [the relevant pesukim] |
שאינן יכולין לומר | as they cannot say |
אשר נתת לי ה׳ | "that Hashem gave to me" |
(דברים כו,י) | |
פרק א משנה ו |
הקונה שני אילנות | One two buys two trees |
בתוך של חברו | in his colleague's [property] |
מביא ואינו קורא | brings [bikurim] but does not recite [the relevant pesukim] |
רבי מאיר אומר | Rebbi Meir says that |
מביא וקורא | he brings and recites |
יבש המעין | If the well [that sustains a plot of land] dries |
נקצץ האילן | or the tree is cut down |
מביא ואינו קורא | one brings [bikurim] but does not recite [the relevant pesukim] |
רבי יהודה אומר | Rebbi Yehuda says |
מביא וקורא | he brings and recitesץ |
מעצרת ועד החג | From Shavuos until Succos |
מביא וקורא | one brings and recites |
מן החג ועד חנוכה | from Succos until Channuka |
מביא ואינו קורא |
one brings but does not recite |
רבי יהודה בן בתירה אומר | Rebbi Yehuda ben Beseirah says |
מביא וקורא | he brings and recites. |
משנה ה
לא תנשא לכהונה - The basis for this is a passage in (יחזקל (מד:כב that says מזרע בית ישראל יקחו להם נשים. This rule is only לחתחילה, and if such a marriage does occur a divorce is not required; furthermore, the children are considered perfectly fit for the kehuna. עד שתהא אמה מישראל - This is the minimum requirement; as patrilineal descent is prime in these matters what is meant is that even if only the mother is Jewish that is sufficient. אפילו עד עשרה דורות - As in the case of a ממזר, this actually means that there actually is no limit to the number of generations this prohibition applies to. האפוטרופוס והשליח - Both of these types of person, when bringing bikurim on behalf of their principals, do not own the land that the fruit came from and so cannot accurately perform the recital, as explaned at the end of the mishna. והעבד והאשה - Even if they own the land, a slave and a woman cannot recite the pesukim as they did not directly receive a share of the land in חלוקת ארץ ישראל and so cannot say אשר נתת לי ה׳. (even the בנות צלפחד, who were given title to land at the time of the חלוקה, only inherited that share from their father). However in some circumstances a husband can bring bikurim from his wife's field and recite the pesukim, as it says (אשר נתן לך ה' אלוהיך ולביתך (דברים כו:יא and he is a member of the household who can accurately recite the pesukim. וטומטום ואנדרוגינוס - A טומטום would actually be described in modern parlance as androgynous, having no visible genitals, while an אנדרוגינוס, has both male and female genitalia. For the purposes of this mishna, both are treated as a woman who cannot recite the pesukim.
משנה ו
הקונה שני אילנות - Under most circumstances, such a purchase is treated as one of the trees only and not the land that they are in; however out of a ספק the חכמים say that one brings bikurim (ownership of the land being a necessary element, as seen earlier). לכולי עלמא, when one buys a single tree required he does not acquire the land, but when three trees are purchased they do come with the land. יבש המעין נקצץ האילן מביא ואינו קורא - The רמב"ם says that this is because under such circumstances one cannot say (האדמה אשר נתתה לי (דברים כו:י as it is as if he no longer has this land. מעצרת ועד החג - Part of the recital includes the phrase ושמחת בכל הטוב; this period of time is deemed to be such a time of joy, while the period following Succos is not; Rebbi Yehuda does not דרשן this phrase to mean that it must be a זמן שמחה.
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