Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

The fact of possession if not reinforced by some plea of right does not of itself confer a title of ownership. For instance, if a man says to another, what are you doing on my property, and he replies, no-one has ever said a word to me about it, his occupation confers no title. If, however, he pleads, I am here because you sold the land to me, because you gave it to me, because your father sold it to me, because your father gave it to me, then his occupation confers a title of ownership. An occupier by virtue of inheritance does not require any such plea. 
Craftsmen, partners, metayers, and trustees have no hazakah. A man has no hazakah in the property of his wife nor has a woman hazakah in the property of her husband. A father has no hazakah in the property of his son nor has a son hazakah in the property of his father. These statements apply only to cases [where ownership is claimed] on the ground of possession. In the case, however, where land is presented as a gift, or of brothers dividing an inheritance, or of one who seizes the property of a proselyte, ownership can be claimed as soon as the first step has been taken towards making a door or a fence or an opening.
 בתרא 3.3 
כל חזקה שאין עימה טענה, אינה חזקה׃ אמר לו, מה את עושה בתוך שלי, שלא אמר לי אדם דבר-- אינה חזקה; שמכרת לי, שנתת לי במתנה-- הרי זו חזקה׃ והבא משום ירושה, אינו צריך טענה׃ 
האומנין והאריסין והאפיטרופין, אין להם חזקה׃ אין לאיש חזקה בנכסי אשתו, ולא לאישה בנכסי בעלה, ולא לאב בנכסי הבן, ולא לבן בנכסי האב׃ במה דברים אמורים, במחזיק; אבל בנותן מתנה, והאחים שחלקו, והמחזיק בנכסי הגר-- נעל גדר, ופרץ כל שהוא-- הרי זו חזקה
If two men testify that a certain man had the usufruct of a piece of land for three years and they are found to be Zomemim, they must pay to the claimant all [that he stood to lose through their False Evidence]. If two [testify that the occupier had the usufruct] for one year, two for a second year, and two for the third year, [and they are found to be Zomemim], each set pays the claimant a third. If three brothers testify [one to each year] each along with the same second witness, then three testimonies [of two witnesses each] are offered [one for each year], but the three are reckoned as one for the purpose of declaring the witnesses Zomemim.  בתרא 3.4 
שניים מעידים אותו שאכלה שלוש שנים, ונמצאו זוממין-- משלמין לו את הכול; שניים בראשונה, ושניים בשנייה, ושניים בשלישית-- משלשין ביניהן׃ שלושה אחים, ואחד מצטרף עימהן-- הרי אלו שלוש עדייות, והן עדות אחת

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