פרק ו | |
יא |
כל מה |
Everything |
שברא הקדוש ברוך הוא בעולמו |
that the Holy One, Blessed is He, created in His world, |
לא בראו אלא לכבודו |
he did not create but for his honor, |
שנאמר (ישעיה מג:ז)י |
as it says: |
כל הנקרא בשמי |
"All that is called in My Name |
ולכבודי בראתיו |
and I have created for My glory, |
יצרתיו |
I have formed him, |
אף עשיתיו |
also I have made him." |
ואומר (שמות טו:יח)י |
And it says: |
ה' ימלך לעלם ועד |
"God will reign forever." |
סליק ברייתא של קנין תורה |
מסכת הוריות |
פרק א משנה א | |
הורו בית דיןא לעבור |
If Beis Dinא issued a decision permitting the transgression |
על אחת מכל מצוות האמורות בתורהב |
of one of the commandments stated in the Torahב |
והלך היחיד |
and an individual proceeded |
ועשה שוגג על פיהם |
and committed an error based on their word, |
בין שעשו ועשה עמהן |
whether they committed it and he committed it with them, |
בין שעשו ועשה אחריהן |
whether they committed it and he committed it after them, |
בין שלא עשו ועשה |
whether they did not commit it and he committed it, |
פטורג |
he is exemptג |
מפני שתלה בבית דיןד |
because he relied on Beis Din.ד |
הורו בית דין |
If Beis issued a decision |
וידע אחד מהן שטעו |
and one of them knew that they were mistaken, |
או תלמיד |
or a student |
והוא ראוי להוראהה |
who is eligible to issue dispensations,ה |
והלך ועשה על פיהן |
and he proceeds to commit [the transgression] by their word |
בין שעשו ועשה עמהן |
whether they committed it and he committed it with them, |
בין שעשו ועשה אחריהן |
whether they committed it and he committed it after them, |
בין שלא עשו ועשה |
whether they did not commit it and he committed it, |
הרי זה חיב |
such a person is liable |
מפני שלא תלה בבית דין |
as he did not rely on Beis Din. |
זה הכללו |
This is the rule:ו |
התולה בעצמו חיב |
One who relies on himself is liable, |
והתולה בבית דין פטור |
and one who relies on Beis Din is exempt. |
הערת שוליים
ב. This refers to something for which the transgressor would ordinarily be חייב כרת for.
ג. This is the opinion of רבי יהודה; the חכמים however disagree and say that unless the majority of the population transgressed in such a manner (see פרק א משנה ה) such that a פר העלם דבר של צבור can be brought to atone for them as a group (see ויקרא ד:יג-יד), such individual transgressors must bring a קרבן חטאת.
ד. However, if he was not relying on ב"ד then he will be liable, even though they had erroneously permitted it.
ה. The גמרא determines that this actual refers to one who is somewhat qualified, but not completely,
ו. The point of this restatement of principles already set forth above is to teach that a person who ordinarily does not follow ב"ד will be חייב, even though he happened to act here as they ruled, as we assume he was relying on his own opinion.