פרק ה משנה ד | |
עשרה נסים א | Ten miracles א |
נעשו לאבותינו במצרים | were done for our fathers in Egypt |
ועשרה על הים ב | and ten by the sea. ב |
עשר מכות | Ten plagues |
הביא הקדוש ברוך הוא | the Holy One, blessed is He, brought |
על המצריים במצרים | on the Egyptians in Egypt |
ועשרה על הים ג | and ten by the sea. ג |
עשרה נסיונות ד | [With] ten trials ד |
נסו אבותינו | our fathers tested |
את המקום ברוך הוא | the Omnipresent, blessed is He, |
במדבר | in the wilderness, |
שנאמר | as it says |
וינסו אותי | "and they have tested me |
זה עשר פעמים | these ten times |
ולא שמעו בקולי | and have not listened to My voice." |
י(במדבר יד,כב)י | |
פרק ה משנה ה |
עשרה נסים | Ten miracles |
נעשו בבית המקדש | occurred in the Temple: |
לא הפילה אשה | [1] No woman ever miscarried |
מריח בשר הקדש | from the smell of the consecrated meat; |
ולא הסריח בשר הקדש מעולם | [2] The consecrated meat never became spoiled; |
ולא נראה זבוב | [3] A fly was never seen |
בבית המטבחים |
in the butchering area; |
ולא ארע קרי | [4] A seminal discharge never occurred |
לכהן גדול ביום הכפורים | to the high priest on Yom Kippur; |
ולא כבו גשמים | [5] Rain never extinguished |
אש של עצי המערכה | the fire of the pyre of the altar; |
ולא נצחה הרוח | [6] The wind never overpowered |
את עמוד העשן | the column of smoke; |
ולא נמצא פסול | [7] No blemish was ever found |
בעומר | in the omer [a special offering made on the second day of Pesach], |
ובשתי הלחם |
the [special offering made on Shavuos of] two loafs of bread, |
ובלחם הפנים | and the lechem hapanim; |
עומדים צפופים | [8] They would stand crowded |
ומשתחוים רוחים | and yet prostrate themselves in sufficient room; |
ולא הזיק נחש ועקרב | [9] A snake or scorpion did not harmed |
בירושלים מעולם | ever in Jerusalem; |
ולא אמר אדם לחברו | and [10] A man did not say to his fellow, |
צר לי המקום | "The space is too confining |
שאלין בירושלים | for me to stay in Jerusalem." |
הערות שוליים;
א Each of these corresponded to the עשר מכות which were visited only upon the Egyptians, but not the בני ישראל.
ב These were: (i) the splitting of the waters; (ii) the formation of an overhead canopy by the water for the בני ישראל to pass under; (iii) the sea-bed upon which the בני ישראל walked was dry; (iv) the sea-bed upon which the Egyptians pursued the בני ישראל became moist and clay-like; (v) water that remained on the sea-bed did not freeze into a single mass, but rather into individual brick-like shapes; (vi) the water, which ultimately came crashing down upon the Egyptians, was as hard as stones; (vii) the water split into twelve channels one for each שבט; (viii) the walls separating each of these twelve chanels became clear as sapphire, allowing the שבטים to see each other; (ix) sweet water for drinking flowed from the walls; and (x) what water they did not drink hardened like stones.
ג These correspond to passages from שירת הים: (i) סוס ירכבו רמה בים, horses and riders were thrown into the sea; (ii) מרכבות פרעה וחילו ירה בים, chariots and riders were cast into the sea; (iii) ומבחר שלשיו טבעו בים סוף, elite officers were drowned in the sea; (iv) תהמת יכסימו, the the depths covered them; (v) ירדו במצולת כמו אבן, they sank into the depths like stone; (vi) תרעץ אויב, the enemy was smashed;(vii) תהרס קמיך, those who rose up against [God] were destroyed; (viii) יאכלמו כקש, they were consumed like straw; (ix) כסמו ים, the sea covered them; and (x) צללו כעופרת, they sank like lead.
ד These
were (i) the despairing before the
sea immediately prior to קריאת ים סיף, when they complained המבלי אין
קברים במצרים; (ii) when they complained of thirst at מרה; (iii) when they
complained of thirst at רפידים; (iv) when some of them went out to collect
מן on שבת; (v) when some left מן overnight; (vi) and (vii) when they twice
demanded meat by the incident of the שליו; (viii) the
חטא העגל; (ix) the מתאננים at תבערה; and (x) the מרגלים