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פרק ה משנה י
ארבע מדות באדם There are four measures of men:
האומר שלי שלי One who says 'what's mine is mine
ושלך שלך and what's yours yours,'
זו מדה בינונית

this is a [person of] average measure,

ויש אומרין זו מדת סדום and there are those that say this is a [person of the] nature of Sodom;
שלי שלך ושלך שלי [one who says] 'what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine,'
עם הארץ is an ignorant person;
שלי שלך ושלך שלך [one who says] 'what's mine is yours and what's yours is yours,'
חסיד is a pious person;
שלי שלי ושלך שלי  

[one who says] 'what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine,'

רשע is a wicked person.


פרק ה משנה יא

ארבע מדות בדעות There are four measures of intellect:
נוח לכעוס [One who is] easy to anger
ונוח לרצות and easy to satisfy,
יצא שכרו בהפסדו   

his rewards are offset through his losses;

קשה לכעוס וקשה לרצות [One who is] difficult to anger and difficult to satisfy,
יצא הפסדו בשכרו

his lossesare offset through his rewards;

קשה לכעוס ונוח לרצות [One who is] difficult to anger and easy to satisfy,
חסיד is a pious person;
נוח לכעוס וקשה לרצות [One who is] easy to anger and difficult to satisfy,
רשע is a wicked person.



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