Nach Nuggets Click in the table below to explore our archive of Nach Nuggets Volume NumberTitle and TopicPages Volume 1 - Yehoshua Perek 1:1 - 2:11New beginnings. The beginning of Nach. The beginning of a new leadership.4 Volume 2 - Yehoshua Perek 2:12 - 3:13Spy vs Spy. How Yehoshua's spies avoided the pitfalls that befell the original meraglim.3 Volume 3 - Yehoshua Perek 3:14 - 5:3Splitting waters - Exploring five times in Tanach that water split5 Volume 4 - Yehoshua Perek 5:4- 6:14For whom - or what - the angel calls. Yehoshua's encounter with the angel of Hashem3 Volume 5 - Yehoshua Perek 6:15- 7:15Sin and excommunication3 Volume 6 - Yehoshua Perek 7:16- 8:12 Volume 7 - Yehoshua Perek 8:13- 8:35 Volume 8 - Yehoshua Perek 9:1- 9:20The hope for peace2 Volume 9 - Yehoshua Perek 9:21- 10:20The day(s) the sun stood still4 Volume 10 - Yehoshua Perek 10:21- 11:6Benefit from Avodah Zarah and animal cruelty2 Volume 11 - Yehoshua Perek 11:7- 12:24Name dropping and repenting for sins 2 Volume 12 - Yehoshua Perek 13:1- 13:23The only thing to fear is .... 3