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פרק ב – משנה



היה ראש תור חיטים If a ראש
(a type of crop formation)
of wheat

 נכנס לתוך של שעורים

entered [a field] of barley


it is permissible

מפני שהוא נראה כסוף שדהו

because it looks like the end of his

שלו חיטים ושל חברו מין אחר

if his [field] was of wheat and his
colleague’ was of another species

מותר לסמוך לו מאותו המין

it is permissible for him to put next
to it [his wheat field] from that species

שלו חיטים ושל חברו חיטים

if his [field] was of wheat and his
colleague’s was of wheat

מותר לסמוך לו תלם של פשתן

it is permissible for him to put next
to it a furrow of flax

ולא תלם של מין אחר 

but not a furrow of another species;

רבי שמעון אומר

R’ Shimon says:

אחד זרע פשתן ואחד כל המינין

either flax or any species;

  רבי יוסי אומר

R’ Yose says:

 אף באמצע שדהו

also in the middle of his field

 מותר לבדוק בתלם של פשתן

it is permissible to test with a furrow of

ראש תורThere are several
interpretations of this phrase and what shape it indicates.  The

רע"ב says a תור it is a type of
triangular women’s jewelry, and it is used to connote the corner of the wheat
field which protruded into the neighboring field of barley (fig.1).  The
רמב"ם also says ראש תור
connotes a triangular shape, meaning that the part of the
wheat field that comes into contact with the barley field is a corner; however
he appears to hold that the point of the
ראש תור
merely touches the edge of the barley field, not that it actually extends into
it (fig. 2, see also
תוספות אנשי שם regarding this
distinction; see also fig. 3 which is an illustration provided by the
who seems to follow the same interpretation of
ראש תור
as a corner, albeit situated differently).  The
מהר"י בן מלכי צדק on the other hand, seemingly
read the
ת of תור to be a
ש as in שורה, or row, and
interpret our
משנה as referring to the last row in the
wheat field, which has extended into the barley field (fig. 4).  The

רא"ש also changes the ת to a
ש, but he reads it as ראש שור, or
the head of an ox.  According to him, our
משנה is
referring to where the ox which plowed the wheat filed reached the end of a row
turned around to plow the next row.  While turning the plow behind it, the
ox’s head extended into the barley field, creating an obliquely shaped
protrusion of the wheat field into the adjacent field of barley (fig. 5).

מפני שהוא נראה כסוף שדהו
Due to it’s distinctive
shape, the
רע"ב says it is clear to all observers that
this wheat was planted separately from the barley. 
מותר לסמוך לו
מאותו המין
Two fields owned by two different
people may be planted with different crops even though they are adjacent to each
other; the
רמב"ם says that this is because the
פסוק  says שדך לא תזרע כלאים,
which implies that the
אסור only applies to one
person’s field
.  The משנה
is adding that because of this, if one can plant another species next to their
wheat in such a way that it looks like it is merely a part of his neighbor’s
field (according to the
רמב"ם, by connecting it to his
neighbor’s field – see fig. 6), that too is permissible. 
לסמוך לו תלם של פשתן
According to the
רמב"ם and the רע"ב single row of
flax is not profitable, and so an observer would realize that is was planted not
for the benefit of the crop, but rather to test the field’s suitability for a
future crop of flax; the
רא"ש says the observer will
come to this conclusion because flax harms crops that are adjacent to it.

 In addition, תוי"ט notes that
this must be his actual intent, and, as shown by

R’ Yose at the end of the משנה, the
ת"ק allows this only at the edge of the field. 
ולא תלם של מין אחר
Because any other crop is profitable even when there is only one row, even if it
was planted with the intent to test the field for that crop, since it appears as
if it is for the benefit of the crop, it is forbidden. 

ר"ש אומר

אחד זרע פשתן ואחד כל המינין – According to the
רמב"ם and the רע"ב, R’ Shimon is
being stricter than the
ת"ק and forbidding flax as
other species are forbidden; according to the
ר"ש and
רא"ש he is being lenient, and allowing test rows
of other crops just as the
ת"ק allows a test row of

Fig. 1

ראש תור לשיטת הרע"ב

1 – חיטים

2- שעורים

Fig. 2

ראש תור לשיטת הרמב"ם

1 – חיטים

2- שעורים

Fig. 3

ראש תור לשיטת הרמב"ם

1- חיטים

2- שעורים

3- ראש תור

Fig. 4

ראש תור לשיטת הר"ש

ומהר"י בן מלכי צדק

+ = חיטים

# = שעורים










Fig. 5

ראש תור לשיטת הר"ש

ומהר"י בן מלכי צדק

Red – חיטים



Fig. 5

סמוך לו
מאותו המין

Red – חיטים


Dotted line – border between fields