Welcome to NACH Yomi! We’ll be breaking down the learning into approximately 6 or 7 minute chunks per day. The number of pesukim per day will vary slightly. Each day an email will be sent out with a link that will take you to a page with that day’s audio by our own magid shiur together with the hebrew text with english translation from The seder will be 6 days a week with Shabbos (and Yom Tov when applicable) being used as review/catch up days.

In the beginning of each week we’ll send out the schedule for the week so those of you who don’t want/ can’t listen to the audio can learn the material on their own. In addition we’ll keep a live schedule on the website at that you can access at any time.

At any point you can always go to and navigate to any portion and any of the recordings that we have already covered.

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